Sunday 25 May 2008

Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart

Click Image

Ahh I loved this album back in 1988, I played it to death.
Standout tracks are all the singles, Tell It To My Heart, Prove Your Love, Don't Rush Me & I'll Always Love You. This needs to played LOUD!

1. Tell It To My Heart
2. In The Darkness
3. Don't Rush Me
4. I'll Always Love You
5. Prove Your Love
6. Do You Want It Right Now
7. Carry Your Heart
8. Want Ads
9. Where Does That Boy Hang Out
10. Upon The Journey's End


AngelicMissC said...

Merci beaucoup!
I can understand why you played this to death...Only had tell it to my heart on my computer.
Like Don't rush me and Prove your Love.

Great posting! ; )xx

私が告白した:私は利用された said...

Yes. Like the blood red cover, you need to play this LOUD with an attitude! This is the European album cover, which, was only released initially in the US. They change the cover to a more subdued Taylor Dayne, which, does not quite align with the mood of the entire album. This is one hell of a debut dance album which I can listen from the beginning of Side A cut 1 to the last track on Side B - the soulful duet Upon The Journey's End, which, the male singer's name is not credited. I had a chance to meet Ms Dayne herself when she came to Singapore to promote her SOUL DANCING album, last to be released by Arista/BMG. She is one cool lady.

RunWitMe said...

I feel the night explode when youre together......BOOM! One of my all time favourite albums! The best actually.

"Prove your love" was banned in Malaysia due to it's racy lyrics. :)